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Future of Electric Two-Wheelers in India

The Future of Electric Two-Wheelers
in India

Apr 21, 2023 | 3 minutes

Electric mobility has become an innovative option for commuters all over the world. EVs are steadily gaining acceptance, as compared to traditional vehicles. EVs are environment-friendly, stylish, and comfortable to ride on. And we can’t agree more. They are also the most economical and sustainable mode of transport for generation next.

Among these, the electric two-wheeler industry is the fastest to grow. In an optimistic scenario, there will be a 100% penetration of electric two-wheelers in India by 2027. The market situation is promising. The electric mobility industry, in particular, is witnessing significant growth. The hustle-bustle about AI-based self-driven cars might be fascinating for you, but trust us, electric vehicles will take over sooner.

The Paradigm Shift

It is worth noticing how the concept and use of cars are evolving with time. Several aspects are affecting the paradigm shift – from ICE to electric. Traditional car sales went down when the economy pulled back consumer purchasing power.

However, there was a jump in demand for two-wheelers, especially in dense urban areas. People opted for two-wheelers as a better alternative mode. Within months, many new trends, including electric mobility, evolved. E2Ws proved to be the smarter option – especially for teens and young adults. It was the best way to beat the rising fuel price. E2Ws also got attention from environment-conscious riders.

Major Turning Points of the EVolution

The awareness of the environmental crisis proved to be a turning point. Globally, several people realized the importance of a green planet. They started pointing out the multiple factors contributing to global warming and pollution. Vehicular pollution stood out as one of the main factors.

The world realized it was time to slowly but steadily shift to electric vehicles. Electric vehicles can bring down oil consumption by 21 million barrels per day! EVs can also result in a massive eco-shift by reducing CO2 emissions by 3.2 billion tonnes per year. Well, that is huge!

As the CEO of Exxon Mobil, Darren Woods, predicts, the global sale of new gas-fueled vehicles will stop by 2040. The transformation is crucial to welcome the Evolution.

The current scenario indicates that the transition of the transportation sector is sure to happen. That’s truly a great news! Riders are choosing electric over traditional vehicles.

The consistently rising price of fossil fuel and the awareness of environmental issues are among the main reasons. The commitments from the government and automakers for a fuel-free world are helping further. All these hint at worldwide acceptance of electric vehicles and a green environment.

Electric is the Ultimate Goal

The transportation revolution in India started with trucks dominating the shipping market. Other modes of transport like cars, scooters, and rickshaws followed soon. The mobility industry and the economy started witnessing many changes.

However, there was a big drawback – carbon emissions. India ranks last in Environment Performance Index 2022 with a score of 18.9. India is aiming for electric mobility solutions to beat this. Several automobiles company are coming up with eco-friendly vehicles. The goal is to make India reach its zero-greenhouse emission target.

The Indian government is also launching campaigns to bring awareness and promote EV adoption. The need for sustainability and a clean environment is the ultimate call.

The Future Ahead

There are miles to go before the future of vehicles goes all-electric. There is still a lot to do. EVs have to be more affordable. Riders must be made aware of the need to go fuel-free. There must be speedier initiatives to adopt clean energy. The production of Lithium-ion batteries should be more to bring down their price.

It is also crucial to control traffic with regular measures. There should be enough space to install charging stations in offices, colleges, highways, etc. The riders must realize the exclusive advantages of EVs over ICEs.

The bright future of electric vehicles is right here. The right move and pace by the government, mobility leaders, and the young generation can take it in the right direction.

e-Sprinto – All Set for the EVolution

The future of electric vehicles seems promising with brands like e-Sprinto. The brand is one of the fastest-growing electric two-wheeler manufacturers in India. It prioritizes ethics and values to manufacture premium quality products and services. With a strong consumer base across the country, e-Sprinto is a big name already.

The next generation of transportation majorly relies on brands like e-Sprinto. It is time we all gear up for the days ahead when travel will be EVolutionized by electric vehicles.